Downloading from FTP with a script

Our newsprovider are uploading every hour to their FTP server for us to download and use. At their server the filename is: Nyheter_2022-03-25_20 (News_year-month-date_hour) const URL = 'ftp://**username**:**password**@**/*Filename_*'; var TIME: string; begin SystemLog('Downloading news.'); // Adding approx. 15 minutes to the current time, as we are downloading at 10 minutes to the hour. TIME := FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd_hh', Now + 0.00555555); ShellExecuteHidden('curl', URL + TIME +'.wav --output M:\Database\Nyheter\nyheter.wav'); end. Just add this to your mAirlist event edior :) ...

March 25, 2022 · Thomas Mongstad