Change Audio output in mAirlist with a script
Short script that changes the audio output
Short script that changes the audio output
How to match a movement message with regex?
Just a brief note on packages on my Mac..
Set your desired URL in the variables. Find path to your browser. Add this file as script to start or end of file, cartwall, button or whatever in mAirlist Voilá, you are opening your desired web page directly from mArilist in your preferred browser. const URL = ''; BROWSER = 'C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe'; begin ShellExecute(BROWSER, URL); end.
A quick guide on how to set up virtual audio cables in linux
Our newsprovider are uploading every hour to their FTP server for us to download and use. At their server the filename is: Nyheter_2022-03-25_20 (News_year-month-date_hour) const URL = 'ftp://**username**:**password**@**/*Filename_*'; var TIME: string; begin SystemLog('Downloading news.'); // Adding approx. 15 minutes to the current time, as we are downloading at 10 minutes to the hour. TIME := FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd_hh', Now + 0.00555555); ShellExecuteHidden('curl', URL + TIME +'.wav --output M:\Database\Nyheter\nyheter.wav'); end. Just add this to your mAirlist event edior :) ...
Bought a new - used - mixer for my personal radio studio… And made a mess!
This script makes your Launchpad MIDIcontroller interact with mAirlist.. Inspired by Thomas Kloppholzs’ Launchpad Script. Changed for our current need.
This small app is intended for use on LAN, hence the low - to non existing - security features. Currently running on a Raspberry Pi in our local radio studio. All services hosted on the Raspberry Pi itself, running alongside mAirlist Radio Automation. Please find repo on github: Installation Clone this repository Create your pusher user and app. Create .env based on the example, update with your pusher details npm install node index Feel free to use and contribute to this small project! This is my first project using JS and Node. And there are some known errors. ...